“Our social tools are not an improvement to modern society, they are a challenge to it.” ― Clay Shirky

June 7, 2014 § Leave a comment

Following my previous blog I have been doing a lot of contemplation on the use of technology and social media recently. Mainly because of my breakup but also on how I use it my everyday life and when I hang out with people.

I realised that I was living my life through a screen instead of looking up at those around me. I would be on my phone in the company of others, I would be uploading photos and statuses every time I did something, scrawling through the news feed constantly for updates any spare moment. This isn’t living. I don’t need to make a status to tell my friends I’ve had a good night at the pub, we should just all have a good time and knowledge it in the moment.

I know technology and social media has its benefits and I have never been against change and advances but I think it’s too easy to allow it to take control and dictate how you live your life. So I have taken a step back from it all and done the following:

  • I try not to check my phone every second
  • I put my phone away in the company of others or at an event
  • I don’t update my ‘friends’ on everything I do, instead I select big events that mean a lot or just share funny things
  • I try to not scroll through my news feeds constantly and stalk exs (working on that one)
  • Try not to read into every like, comment and activity people do (working on this one too)
  • I don’t reach for my laptop automatically when I’m bored or have free time

Here are some articles which highlight and express what I am feeling right now a bit more in detail.

What facebook is doing to your brain

18 Ugly truths about modern dating you have to deal with


How social media networks can affect society negatively

Facebook, Twitter, Texting: The Impact of Social Networking

The real reason facebook makes us unhappy

No one talks anymore

I know this video is a little extreme but Buzzfeed makes a point:

How does technology and social media dictate your life?

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